Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Final Advice

There are several techniques to studying for inevitable finals. I believe that here in apartment 14 you would find all of them.

The Studious Student: Jessica. Jessica spends hours and hours plugging along studying for her finals. Of course she gets good grades. With the amount of hours she puts in, teachers should be scared to give her anything short of an A. Every time we mention doing anything, she will respond with, "After finals!" The only thing keeping her from going insane is the upcoming midnight premier of The Hobbit.  My advice? If you want to get anywhere in life, be like Jessica. She knows the ins and outs of college.

The Study a Little Bit, then Facebook/Pinterest a bit Student: This is me. I have been studying for hours, but not near as much as Jessica. I do a fair amount of studying, but I make sure there's time for fun and entertainment. I'm one of those people who get distracted easily. I also go kind of loopy when I spend too much time sitting and thinking. My advice? Again, be Jessica. She's getting better grades than me.

The Finals are Online Student: Annie. I don't know how she managed to sign up for all of the classes that offer their finals online. Sign me up for the next class. Seriously. I can't believe she has time to do whatever she likes. It's finals week! We're all stressing and Annie's all chill like, "hey girl, relax. Enjoy college". My advice? If you can, take the classes with open note, open people, online final classes. They sound so much better than my Calculus final tomorrow.

The Work then Final then Work then Final Student: Leah. I don't know how she managed this one, but she's got a final each day. Who's with me when I say that I wish all my finals were on Monday. I could have an extra week of Christmas break! Some how Leah managed to have a final every single day. Doesn't that sound exciting? Not. Good luck Leah! My advice? Find out who planned the final schedule. Then see how much they actually care about you and your schedule. :) That probably won't do much but it's the best advice that I have to offer.

My best wishes to those in school with finals. They are difficult and brutal. Just remember that the end of the week is near and soon we'll all be singing Christmas Carols, listening to our grandparents tell stories of the good ol' days, opening gifts, wearing cheesy Christmas sweaters, drinking egg nog, and of course, remembering the Savior Jesus Christ as we celebrate this season.

Good Luck! Kick some butt and have a very merry Christmas!

Peace and Blessings,

Monday, December 3, 2012

The Mating Call

I have tracked a rare animal. I've never seen anything like this before. Luckily, with the new change in technology, I have been able to catch this wild beast on film. I hope you enjoy it, because like I said, this is a rare creature. But I love her.

Of course, we do have a blooper. This did take more than one try unfortunately. Please, enjoy.

Peace and blessings

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Halloween in Apartment 14

Isn't Halloween fantastic?? Everyone loves Halloween. Except for me that is. I hate being scared. This Halloween wasn't much different. I went to my first haunted house.

A bunch of us got together and went to the Castle of Chaos. For those of you who don't know what the Castle of Chaos is, let me paint you a little picture. Pure terror; dark, mysterious, creepy, and horrifying. Can you tell that I don't like Halloween? I'm one of those people who believe it should be Christmas all year around. Not Halloween. 
Photo courtesy of Google.com
I learned a lot from that night. One, never go with people that think it's funny to make someone else pee their pants. Two, never go to a haunted house again. Three, don't act terrified. Zombies and clowns follow you. Yes, they can't touch you, but they can get pretty darn close. By the end of that night, I am proud to say that I faced my fear. It's safe to say that that Zombie will never come near me again. Enough said.

With Halloween comes parties. Being a young adult provides many opportunities to go and be scared, go dance like there's no tomorrow, and dress up like you don't care who's watching. This party was coming up and my friend texted me and asked me if I wanted to dress up with him and possibly win the costume contest. I said sure, why not? What's the worst that can happen? Here's a picture of what we dressed up as. Can you guess what we are?
You guess it: Mullet Man and Mullet Woman.
Yes, yes, hold your applause. We won the costume contest. How could we not? We look awesome! $25 each to Olive Garden. Boo Ya.

Now for the funny story. It's a good thing I'm blonde. It gives me an excuse to do dumb things, make stupid mistakes, and have a little fun. My friend had me use sticky felt to make the "M" for the Mullet Man suit. (As you can see, my "M" constantly fell off. Hence the reason it's not in the picture...) I was going to do a "MW" for Mullet Woman. On the back of the sticky felt, I drew out the MW so that I could cut it out. This is what it looked like...

I don't know about you, but I didn't find a problem with this. Let me show you what the front looked like...

So, I went as Woman Mullet. Joy to the freakin' world. Those blonde moments always get the best of me... 
Anyways, all is well. I have $25 for dinner and an awesome story. So, it worked out. 

Last Halloween story, I swear. My roommates and I dressed up as the Wizard of Oz. I was Dorothy, Jessica was the scarecrow, Leah was the tin man, and Annie was...wait for it.... the lion. 

Here's some pictures of Annie in her natural habitat.

Wait for it......

She's awesome. (As i was posting this, Annie said, "I wanna be on the internet.") Like I said, natural habitat. 
Well, we won that costume contest too.  We are pretty great, I must say. We make a fabulous four. :)

For now, Peace and Blessings, 

Monday, November 5, 2012

Talent Show

"Talent Show" is defined three ways:

1-A chance to show off your secret awesome skill.

2-A chance to reiterate that you aren't the most talented person.

3-A chance to make a complete goof out of yourself.

My roommates luckily fell under the 3rd definition. We wanted to provide quality entertainment. Or rather, make fools of ourselves.

So, please enjoy! And remember, don't judge. 

Music: I Want It That Way by The Backstreet Boys


Peace and Blessings,

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Inside Joke

Annie and I have this inside joke. We thought it was worthy enough to share. (Okay, it wasn't our inside joke first, but we think it's pretty freakin' hilarious)

People mess up. It's just the way life is. I'm just grateful people are smart enough to put the stupid things that people say and do on the internet for the rest of the world to enjoy. So, a big shout out to you people who make my life so much more fun.

As for Annie and I's favorite...

*drum roll please*

You had ONE job. ONE JOB!!!

Our Personal Favorite...


Peace and Blessings,
All pictures provided by Google.com

Fish Fish Fish

A Fish Tale

Being a part of a singles ward provides a lot of opportunities to go make new friends, be social, and go to a carnival.

This carnival was pretty fun! I was a little surprised, not going to lie. There was the usual eat-a-donut-off-a-string game, cake walk, photo booth, basketball game, and ring toss. 

Jess and Annie decided to try their luck on the ring toss. Sure enough, they both put a ring on the coke bottle. To reward these two giddy girls, they were able to go "fishing" for a gold fish. Annie went first and fished a beautiful little fish. As Jessica approached the fishing pond (kiddie pool), she fished out three fish! That lucky duck! *ugh, I am so terrible at being funny*

Courtesy of Google.com
Pretend that there are four fish. Count it, 4.
We named them Jean Val Jean, Rosalind, Christofferson, and Justin. :)

These poor fish. When they saw them, I sure they were thinking something along the lines of...

Courtesy of  Google.com


These poor fish. What did we do? Well duh, of course we took them home. Only problem was, the carnival just started. We had a few more hours and they were just in the plastic little baggies. We still had to party!

After a few hours of doing the carnival thing, the DJ started pumping up the music. Jess and Annie went to check on the fish and realized that one of the bags had fallen over and the water was almost gone. Great. Now we have floppy fish. Quickly, Annie and Jess grab an empty water bottle and pour the rest of the water from the bag into this water bottle. The only problem was, two of the fish were just a smidge bit to big to put into water bottle. Yes, they squeezed the poor fish inside. These poor guys were already traumatized before they even made it home.

After a full night of dancing, we head home. Jess, being the "motherly" figure that she is, puts the fish into a tupperware container. Then she tested the tap water to make sure it was room temperature and placed the fish in it. We had no fish food or fish bowl, so they'd have to survive until the following day until we could get to Walmart. 

The next day, Jess and I get up, make breakfast, and take a look at the fish. We noticed that one of them....was floating. Sad day. We had to say goodbye to dear old Christofferson. Jess and I left to go to a service project only to come back to three more dead fish.

It's safe to say that we will never be fish owners again.

Peace and Blessings,

Monday, September 17, 2012

Late at Night

Again, tonight was another late night. This is what happens when you make purple cookies at 11:00 at night.
Annie: I don't know why they wait to long to get him in show biz but he was like "Uhh!"

Peace and Blessings,

Friday, September 14, 2012

Italian Song

You know those days are going to be good ones when you can't stop laughing at what Annie says.
(Most of our stories revolve around basketball, just to let you know.)

Madelyn: Annie! Let's play basketball!

Annie: Alright! Let me go to the bathroom first.

*leaves the room and starts...singing...loudly..*

Annie: ciaooooo, mi piace caaaaaantare a squarciagola. Io sonoooooo un grande cantante quandoooooo si tratta di caaaaantare in bagnoooooo.

Madelyn: Hey, Annie, I'll meet you at the court.

Annie: *Louder* Sooooono ancora in bagnooooo. cantaaaaando a squarciagola. Sono cooooosì divertente...

Madelyn: Annie! I'll meet you at the court!

Annie: *Even louder* Sooooooono coooosì diverteeeente non posso nemmeno stare iiiin piediiii!!

Madelyn: Whatever, I'll just see you down there.

*A little bit later*

Madelyn: What were you singing? It sounded like Josh Groban on steroids.

Annie: ... I made it up...

*While taking this picture*

Madelyn: Are you sure you want this picture up?

Annie: Yeah, I don' cur. I don' know these people.

Peace and Blessings,


12:43 PM

Jessica: I've got the munchies.

Annie: I just ate that whole tub of ice-cream.

Madelyn: My butt is twitching.

*Suddenly got awkward*

Annie: Okay....?

Saturday, September 1, 2012

11:18 PM

11:18 PM- Laying on the couch

Madelyn: Let's go play basketball.
Annie: Madelyn, I'm gonna eat your soul.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

My Roommate is Funny

I have the best roommates.

You read that right.
Be jealous.
I know you all are.
I'm about to tell you about one of them.
She's so funny.
So crazy.
So hilarious.

Her name is Annie.

Now, I'm just gonna tell you about everyday happenings here in our apartment. Trust me. They are funny.

I'll start you off with a warm-up story:

It was just a few days ago when this all went down. Annie went to BYU to visit some friends who went to school there. For those of you who don't know her, she does fantastic accents. Some of her best are Momma Ode (from The Frog Princess), Stitch, a car motor, a cat, a British, Scottish, Irish, Australian, Saudi Arabian, black and hispanic woman.

Anyways, she went around telling everyone at BYU that she was "from the Ukraine". Everyone believed her. She didn't sound like she was "from the Ukraine". No joke. She sounded more Saudi Arabian if you asked me. They believed her anyway. People would ask her what part of Ukraine she was from. She would say "about 60 miles north of Chernobyl". She would turn to me and say (in her normal voice), "Chernobyl's not in Ukraine anymore....BAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"