Friday, September 14, 2012

Italian Song

You know those days are going to be good ones when you can't stop laughing at what Annie says.
(Most of our stories revolve around basketball, just to let you know.)

Madelyn: Annie! Let's play basketball!

Annie: Alright! Let me go to the bathroom first.

*leaves the room and starts...singing...loudly..*

Annie: ciaooooo, mi piace caaaaaantare a squarciagola. Io sonoooooo un grande cantante quandoooooo si tratta di caaaaantare in bagnoooooo.

Madelyn: Hey, Annie, I'll meet you at the court.

Annie: *Louder* Sooooono ancora in bagnooooo. cantaaaaando a squarciagola. Sono cooooosì divertente...

Madelyn: Annie! I'll meet you at the court!

Annie: *Even louder* Sooooooono coooosì diverteeeente non posso nemmeno stare iiiin piediiii!!

Madelyn: Whatever, I'll just see you down there.

*A little bit later*

Madelyn: What were you singing? It sounded like Josh Groban on steroids.

Annie: ... I made it up...

*While taking this picture*

Madelyn: Are you sure you want this picture up?

Annie: Yeah, I don' cur. I don' know these people.

Peace and Blessings,

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