Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Final Advice

There are several techniques to studying for inevitable finals. I believe that here in apartment 14 you would find all of them.

The Studious Student: Jessica. Jessica spends hours and hours plugging along studying for her finals. Of course she gets good grades. With the amount of hours she puts in, teachers should be scared to give her anything short of an A. Every time we mention doing anything, she will respond with, "After finals!" The only thing keeping her from going insane is the upcoming midnight premier of The Hobbit.  My advice? If you want to get anywhere in life, be like Jessica. She knows the ins and outs of college.

The Study a Little Bit, then Facebook/Pinterest a bit Student: This is me. I have been studying for hours, but not near as much as Jessica. I do a fair amount of studying, but I make sure there's time for fun and entertainment. I'm one of those people who get distracted easily. I also go kind of loopy when I spend too much time sitting and thinking. My advice? Again, be Jessica. She's getting better grades than me.

The Finals are Online Student: Annie. I don't know how she managed to sign up for all of the classes that offer their finals online. Sign me up for the next class. Seriously. I can't believe she has time to do whatever she likes. It's finals week! We're all stressing and Annie's all chill like, "hey girl, relax. Enjoy college". My advice? If you can, take the classes with open note, open people, online final classes. They sound so much better than my Calculus final tomorrow.

The Work then Final then Work then Final Student: Leah. I don't know how she managed this one, but she's got a final each day. Who's with me when I say that I wish all my finals were on Monday. I could have an extra week of Christmas break! Some how Leah managed to have a final every single day. Doesn't that sound exciting? Not. Good luck Leah! My advice? Find out who planned the final schedule. Then see how much they actually care about you and your schedule. :) That probably won't do much but it's the best advice that I have to offer.

My best wishes to those in school with finals. They are difficult and brutal. Just remember that the end of the week is near and soon we'll all be singing Christmas Carols, listening to our grandparents tell stories of the good ol' days, opening gifts, wearing cheesy Christmas sweaters, drinking egg nog, and of course, remembering the Savior Jesus Christ as we celebrate this season.

Good Luck! Kick some butt and have a very merry Christmas!

Peace and Blessings,

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