Sunday, November 11, 2012

Halloween in Apartment 14

Isn't Halloween fantastic?? Everyone loves Halloween. Except for me that is. I hate being scared. This Halloween wasn't much different. I went to my first haunted house.

A bunch of us got together and went to the Castle of Chaos. For those of you who don't know what the Castle of Chaos is, let me paint you a little picture. Pure terror; dark, mysterious, creepy, and horrifying. Can you tell that I don't like Halloween? I'm one of those people who believe it should be Christmas all year around. Not Halloween. 
Photo courtesy of
I learned a lot from that night. One, never go with people that think it's funny to make someone else pee their pants. Two, never go to a haunted house again. Three, don't act terrified. Zombies and clowns follow you. Yes, they can't touch you, but they can get pretty darn close. By the end of that night, I am proud to say that I faced my fear. It's safe to say that that Zombie will never come near me again. Enough said.

With Halloween comes parties. Being a young adult provides many opportunities to go and be scared, go dance like there's no tomorrow, and dress up like you don't care who's watching. This party was coming up and my friend texted me and asked me if I wanted to dress up with him and possibly win the costume contest. I said sure, why not? What's the worst that can happen? Here's a picture of what we dressed up as. Can you guess what we are?
You guess it: Mullet Man and Mullet Woman.
Yes, yes, hold your applause. We won the costume contest. How could we not? We look awesome! $25 each to Olive Garden. Boo Ya.

Now for the funny story. It's a good thing I'm blonde. It gives me an excuse to do dumb things, make stupid mistakes, and have a little fun. My friend had me use sticky felt to make the "M" for the Mullet Man suit. (As you can see, my "M" constantly fell off. Hence the reason it's not in the picture...) I was going to do a "MW" for Mullet Woman. On the back of the sticky felt, I drew out the MW so that I could cut it out. This is what it looked like...

I don't know about you, but I didn't find a problem with this. Let me show you what the front looked like...

So, I went as Woman Mullet. Joy to the freakin' world. Those blonde moments always get the best of me... 
Anyways, all is well. I have $25 for dinner and an awesome story. So, it worked out. 

Last Halloween story, I swear. My roommates and I dressed up as the Wizard of Oz. I was Dorothy, Jessica was the scarecrow, Leah was the tin man, and Annie was...wait for it.... the lion. 

Here's some pictures of Annie in her natural habitat.

Wait for it......

She's awesome. (As i was posting this, Annie said, "I wanna be on the internet.") Like I said, natural habitat. 
Well, we won that costume contest too.  We are pretty great, I must say. We make a fabulous four. :)

For now, Peace and Blessings, 

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